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Natural light and artificial lighting complement each other

作者: Denglu Lighting 來源:gpiight 發(fā)布時間:2023-03-15 瀏覽:64
Natural light and artificial lighting complement each other

The planetarium and the three main architectural elements in the design, the round hole skylight, the inverted dome and the celestial hall sphere, are used as functional astronomical instruments to track the tracks of the sun, moon and stars.
The round hole skylight suspended above the main entrance of the planetarium reflects a circle of light spots on the ground of the entrance square and the reflection pool, which dynamically shows the passage of time.
The celestial hall sphere is located in the ball screen cinema and is half submerged in the building.
With the smallest visible support, it gives the illusion of weightlessness or antigravity, and its perforated shell turns into a glowing sphere at night.
The inverted dome at the top of the atrium of the building uses a large inverted glass tension structure.
Here, visitors can enjoy the core of the glass roof and the vast expanse of the sky.
As the highlight of the exhibition trip, the inverted dome cut off the horizon and the background of the neighboring city, thus focusing visitors' eyes on the all-embracing sky.
There is a 720 °spiral ramp under the inverted dome in the planetarium, which guides the line of sight upward to the top along the circular streamline of visitors to the exhibits of the planetarium.

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