1. YCT-III Technical data:
Technical Data 單位
額定載荷Emax(Rated Capacity) kg 500,1000
t 2,3,5,10,15,20,25
額定輸出(Rated Output) mV/V 2.0
零點平衡(Zero Balance) mV/V 0±0.1
溫度對靈敏度影響(Temperature Effect On Output) %/10K ±0.02
溫度對零點影響(Temperature Effect On Zero) %/10K ±0.02
非線性誤差(Non-Linearity) % ±0.03
滯后誤差(Hysteresis Error) % ±0.03
蠕變及蠕變恢復(Creep/30 Min) % ±0.02
輸入電阻(Input Resistance) Ω 352±3
輸出電阻(Output Resistance) Ω 350±3
參考電壓(Reference Excitation Voltage) V 5
{zd0}工作電壓(Maximum Excitation Voltage) V 15
絕緣電阻(Insulation Resistance) GΩ/100V >2
額定溫度范圍(Nominal Temperature Range) ℃ -10~+40
工作溫度范圍(Operating Temperature Range) ℃ -30~+70
儲存溫度范圍(Storage Temperature Range) ℃ -30~+70
安全承載(Safe Load Limit) % 150
極限承載(Breaking Load) % 200
材料(Material) Stainless steel
保護等級 (Protection class) IP68
All relative value specified refer to the nominal output
2. YCT-III Mounting dimension: