東莞市漢博工程塑料有限公司代理經銷系列美國杜邦Durethan尼龍產品. 聯(lián)系人:胡小姐 13423233619 0769-83810856 (我司可提供COA,SGS,UL黃卡,物性表等。歡迎來電索取?。?
Durethan DP 2131/20 W1 901317:PA 6, 20 % glass fibres, injection moulding, weather stabilized, improved surface finish 。
Durethan DP BKV 240 H2.0 901510:PA 6-Copolymer, 40 % glass fibres, injection moulding, impact modified, heat-ageing stabilized 。
Durethan DP BKV 30 XF 000000:PA 6, 30 % glass fibres, injection moulding, improved flowability, improved surface finish 。
Durethan DP BKV 35 XF 901510:PA 6, 35 % glass fibres, injection moulding, improved flowability, improved surface finish 。
Durethan DP BKV 60 EF 000000:PA 6, 60 % glass fibres, injection moulding, improved flowability 。
Durethan DP BKV 60 H2.0 EF 900116:PA 6, 60 % glass fibres, injection moulding, improved flowability, heat-ageing stabilized 。
Durethan ECO BV 30 H2 900500:PA 6, 30 % glass fibres, injection moulding, heat-ageing stabilized, contains 30 % pre-consumer-recyclate 。
Durethan ECO BV 35 H2 900500:PA 6, 35 % glass fibres, injection moulding, heat-ageing stabilized, contains 30 % pre-consumer-recyclate 。
Durethan ECO PA GF30 909040:PA 6 (mainly), 30 % glass fibers, Injection moulding, contains at least 80 % pre consumer recyclate, properties may change considerably from lot to lot。
Durethan TP 036-052 000000:PA 6, 60 % glass fibres, injection moulding, improved flowability, heat-ageing stabilized 。
Durethan TP 140-009 901510:PA 6, 15 % glass fibres, exusion, blow moulding, impact modified, heat-ageing stabilized 。
Durethan DP 2131/20 H2.0 900051:PA 6, 20 % glass fibres, injection moulding, heat-ageing stabilized, weather stabilized, improved surface finish, improved resistance to weathering 。
Durethan DP 2037/30 H2.0 LT 904040:PA 6, 30 % glass fibres, injection moulding, heat-ageing stabilized, laser-ansparent,IR-ansparent black pigmentation。