對 輥 破 碎 機Double Roller crusher
對輥式破碎機適用于在水泥,化工,電力,冶金,建材,耐火材料等工業(yè)部門破碎中等硬度的物料,如石灰石,爐渣 ,焦碳,煤等物料的中碎,細碎作業(yè)。尤其在建筑材料工業(yè)中生產瓜米石和綠豆沙等產品,有較一般破碎機械更優(yōu)異的效果。
Double roller crusher is applicable to cement, chemical, electric power, metallurgy, building materials, refractories and other industrial sectors, for the medium and fine crushing of medium hardness material, such as limestone, slag, coke, coal and other materials. Especially in the building materials industry, for the production of melon rice stone and green bean stone, it is more excellent than the average crusher
鞏義市恒昌冶金建材設備廠 聯(lián)系人: 1五8三8三8六988