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雨停K11彩色柔韌防水涂料 相關信息由 廣州雨停建材有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 雨停K11彩色柔韌防水涂料 的信息,請點擊 http://m.nnfsds.com/b2b/yuting2013.html 查看 廣州雨停建材有限公司 的詳細聯(lián)系方式。



雨停防水主營:K11  通用型防水漿料、液體防水卷材、回填寶、免砸磚、彩色結(jié)晶K11防水漿料、真瓷美縫劑、{gx}外墻透明防水膠、強力砂漿膠、厚層自流平找平材料、K11柔韌型防水涂料、K11彩色柔韌防水涂料、高柔彈性防水涂料、高粘型瓷磚粘結(jié)劑、強力型瓷磚膠、jx瓷磚背涂膠、強力瓷磚倍涂固、強力型水不漏、K11彩色廚衛(wèi)防水漿料、JS聚合物水泥基防水漿料、高彈丙烯酸抗裂防水涂料、凈彩好潔麗墻面防水漆、長效高分子橡膠防水涂料、彩色防霉填縫劑
詳細信息 我也要發(fā)布信息到此頁面

產(chǎn)品簡介 Product Introduction

  • 雨停K11彩色柔韌防水涂料是由進口丙烯酸酯乳液和水泥為主要原料,加入填料及進口助劑配制而成,經(jīng)水分揮發(fā)和水泥水化成膜的,適用于房屋建筑及土木工程涂膜防水用的雙組份彈性防水涂料。

    The colorful hardcover kitchen and bath waterproof coating of YUTING is adopted imported acry late as the main raw material, adding filling and imported auxiliaries formulated, it moisture through volatilizes and cement hydration, it is two component flexible waterproof coating that apply to house building and civil engineering.


性能特點 Product Feature

  • 彩色科技,防止漏水更有保障;     透氣性好、不發(fā)霉、不發(fā)黑;     優(yōu)異的柔韌性,特別適用于管口和墻角四周的防水封閉。

    Watercolor technology, it guarantees of preventing leakage, strong cohesion, wall tiling won't empty, no fall off, good ventilate, no moldy, no blackened, excellent flexibility. It is waterproof especially suitable for using pipes and around the corner.

適用范圍 Range of Application

  • 適用于地下室、衛(wèi)生間、浴室、樓地面、陽臺、屋面(非外露)、水池等防水。

施工程序與方法 Construction Procedure

  • 基面處理:把基面處理干凈、并應平整結(jié)實、無空鼓,孔隙、砂眼須用水泥砂漿填補平整。如氣溫較高或基面較干燥,施工前應用清水充分濕潤至無明水為準。

    Clear up the base, and it should be smoothly, also must check whether empty drum or not, then filled up the gap and sand hole with cement mortars. Fill up smoothly, if it was high temperature or dry surface, it would moisten the surface with water before the construction.


    Pour the liquid materials in achurn, then pour the powder slowly in proportion, fully stirred and combine until it just incorporated,  it can be used after a few minutes standing and stir briefly(it is better to use electric mixer).

    涂刷: 用毛刷或滾筒直接滾刷于處理好的基面,不可漏刷。涂刷時如有氣孔,應反復涂刷將氣體排出,涂刷完{dy}遍,待其表干(表面不粘手)后,再依次交錯涂刷第二遍,如此反復至少兩至三遍,每遍的厚度不超出0.8mm,以免影響施工效果。

    Making the surface good first, then brush the surface with hairbrush or roller brush, don't forget to brush inextenso. If there is some air holes, please brush it again and again until there isn't any air holes. Then brush the surface second time when you finished the first time and lay it for a few minutes (when the coating isn't sticky). Such repeated twice or three times, and the thickness was less than 0.8mm ,lest affect the construction effect.


    Sprinkle some water on the surface to maintenance after 24 hours. Make the closed water test at least 48 hours later (hold the matter over till the right conditions if temperature is low or ventilation is poor).


注意事項 Notice

  • 使用前請仔細閱讀包裝說明。不能在5℃以下或有明水、淋雨施工,攪拌好的漿料應在2小時內(nèi)用完,超時切勿加水重復使用??諝馓睗窕虿煌L的地方,應采用通風設備加快防水層干固。如墻面須粘貼瓷磚的,{zh0}使用雨停生產(chǎn)的專用瓷磚膠粘貼,以免引起空鼓或脫落。

    Please read all package directions before using. The agent can not be using blow 5 or there is much water. Don't construction in the rain. The product should be used up within 2 hours, do not add water to reuse. Please use ventilation equipment to make the waterproof layer dry instantly while the air is moisture or the place is poorly ventilated. It's better to use specialized tile glue of YUTING to avoid getting empty drum in the surface and the tile has come off if tiles.

貯存方法 Preservation Method

  • 本產(chǎn)品貯存于陰涼通風干燥處,未啟封可保存兩年。

    Store in a cool ventilated and dry place, and it can be kept for two years unopened.

參考用量 Dosage

  • 平整基面:1.5-2kgm2(根據(jù)實況定量)

    Smooth surface about (1.5-2) kg/m2 (according to the situation)



產(chǎn)品包裝 Product Packaging

  • 12.8kg/桶(5.2kg液料+7.6kg粉料)


鄭重聲明:產(chǎn)品 【雨停K11彩色柔韌防水涂料】由 廣州雨停建材有限公司 發(fā)布,版權(quán)歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創(chuàng)性以及文中陳述文字和內(nèi)容未經(jīng)(企業(yè)庫m.nnfsds.com)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內(nèi)容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權(quán), 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯(lián)系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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