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Greentech International (Zhangqiu) Co., Ltd

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2be1water Ring Vacuum Pump/Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

2024-10-29 瀏覽次數:161 本頁網址: http://m.nnfsds.com/sell/show-1316.html 舉報
2be1water Ring Vacuum Pump/Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump
價格: 面議
起批量: 1 件起批
區(qū)域: 北京·北京
Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump,Water Ring Vacuum Pump,Vacuum Pump
聯系人: 姜廣林
在線交流: 點擊這里給我發(fā)消息
2BE1 series liquid ring vacuum pumps and compressors are the products with high efficiency and economic power, which are manufactured by our company integrating with the advanced technology of the imported products from Germany.
These series products adopt single stage and single action structure and have many advantages, such as, compact structure, convenient maintenance, reliable running, high efficiency and economic power.
The main characteristics of 2BE1 series products:
All the bearings are the imported products with the brand name of NSK or NTN for ensuring the precise orientation and the high stability during the working of the pump.
The material of the impeller is QT400 nodular iron or stainless steel for ensuring the stability when the pump works under the rigorous condition and can extend the lifetime of the pump.
The casing is made of steel or stainless steel plates to extend the lifetime of the 2BE1 series pumps.
The shaft bushing is made of stainless steel to improve the lifetime of the pump 5 times than the normal material.
The V-belt pulley (when the pump is driven by the belt) is used the high precise pulley with taper bushing to keep the reliability of the pump and extend its life. And it is also easy to mantle and dismantle.
The coupling is used to drive the pump directly. The flexible part connecting the two half coupling is made of polyurethane that makes the pump more reliable.
The unique design to set the separator above the pump saves the space and decreases the noise efficiently.
All the parts are cast by the resin sands that make the pump surface very smooth. It is not necessary to cover the surface of the pumps with putty and gives out the heat efficiently.
The mechanical seals (optional) are used the imported products to avoid the leakage when the pump works for a long time.
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Greentech International (Zhangqiu) Co., Ltd
聯系人: 姜廣林先生   
手機: 15306415523
網址: http://m.nnfsds.com/shop/100216/
手機網址: http://m.nnfsds.com/m/shop/100216/